Inspiring Stories About Removing the Heart-Wall

The response to my request for Heart-Wall stories has been overwhelming. I feel blessed to share this miraculous journey with all of you!

(You can still add your story by clicking here)

Helga Campbell (View Spotlight), an active Practitioner shared this story:

After having released close to 20 Heart-Walls from Caroline (age 43), I received the following story:

‘My husband has commented this afternoon that he has noticed a difference with me. He thought that I was calmer, softer and much warmer towards him. I have noticed a big difference in myself today. I feel there are no walls that are around me.

It’s like I can reach my hand out to the sky, grab hold of a star and bring it back down to me as there is nothing stopping me and nothing is in my way. I feel so happy, positive and confident today. It’s such a wonderful feeling and I must be always smiling, as that’s what I was told.

I had my doctor’s appointment today and my doctor commented on the way I looked, so he was very pleased for me. I know Helga that everything is going to get better from here and I just can’t wait, I feel like a mountain has been taken away from me as there is no heaviness, it feels wonderful.

Once again thank you so much for caring about me, I cannot express my gratitude enough to you.’

Here is an amazing story that I received from Dr. Julie Montgomery:

As an Emotion Code Practitioner I have seen many cool things happen with Emotion Code obviously, but I wanted to share one particular story with you that is very short and profound. I am using an alias name, as that was the preference of the patient whom this concerns. For the purpose of this story, lets just call her “Liza”.

Liza only had one emotion in her Heart-Wall, and it was made out of glass, which seemed odd. She was a 17 year old girl, and a new patient, so I really knew nothing about her. I knew that her sympathetic and parasympathetic system were way out of whack upon her initial exam with me , and it tested that Emotion Code was the thing that would help her the most. The one word in her Heart-Wall was grief, which upon first look would not have made sense as she was such a seemingly happy girl. She actually is a very happy girl, much happier now since the buried grief was removed. I tested that the emotion was buried at age 9, and that turned out to be when her father died.

Of course, when I was working on her I did not know about the death, so that makes it all the more profound. While I was clearing the emotion with my power mag, she started to cry uncontrollably. She actually had to sit up and lean on me to cry and cry some more. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere came laughter, from her very core, with just as much force and emotion as the crying had brought forth. I was amazed, she was amazed, and her mother was amazed. Apparently she had REALLY buried the grief over her father’s death, and by “releasing” it through this marvelous technique was “just what the doctor ordered” . Very cool!!

And this story from Anne explains how she has finally been able to feel the emotion of love:

I do not have any specific stories. I might be unique, though. I am a person of many Heart-Walls. It has taken a long time to clear them all, and I am not finished yet. But, before the discovery of the Emotion Code and Heart-Walls, I did not realize that I did not feel the emotion of love.

One day I realized that I knew how all of these other negative emotions felt, but I did not feel love. With the clearing of Heart-Walls I was able to finally feel love coming from my heart. What a blessing this is! Thank you, Dr. Bradley for bringing this to the world. I am truly grateful.

I would love to hear from you as well. 

You can learn even more about how to remove your own Heart-Wall by subscribing to my YouTube Channel and watching the Emotion Code playlist.