How to Find Joy Through Emotional Healing

The past year has been full of hardship for Americans as the pandemic caused widespread illness, deaths, business closings and job losses. Even those who have not experienced illness and economic hardship have had to deal with an increased sense of isolation and loneliness.

The emotional toll has been particularly hard on young people who have lost the chance to learn and socialize in school, healthcare workers facing trauma and burnout, nursing home residents and those who live alone. But no one has been untouched.

It’s hard to gauge at this point just what the overall, long-term impact will be, but many people will face long-term emotional scars from the loss, trauma, and struggles they have endured.

When we have an intensely difficult experience, the emotions we feel should fade with time. But sometimes they’re just too much for us to handle. In these cases, our bodies may hold onto those negative energies in the form of what many call “emotional baggage.”

We call these emotional energies Trapped Emotions, unresolved feelings from difficult and traumatic life experiences. These lingering emotional energies can damage our mental and physical health, relationships, and overall sense of well-being. Their harmful effects can be exacerbated during difficult times like those we have faced since the pandemic begin.

Now, as we hope and pray that the end of the crisis is in sight, this is a good time to consider what we have been through, and to take steps to begin our emotional healing. Energy healing methods like The Emotion Code® may help you release them. This can enable emotional healing, helping you feel better after enduring a traumatic experience, even if it happened many years ago.

Here are some practices that can help you become emotionally healthy and find more joy in life:

1.     Practice Mindfulness — Mindfulness means you’re fully present and conscious of the moment you’re in. Research has found that people who practice mindfulness can have deeper relationships and enjoy life more! To boost your emotional health you might begin a meditation practice, spend more time in nature, or simply put your phone down while interacting with family or friends. Focus on being truly present and involved in whatever is in front of you right now — and notice how much richer your experience of that situation becomes!

2.     Express Your Feelings — Talking about how you feel can help you process your emotions and help you cope when you feel upset. Being honest, open, and vulnerable can help you move through any negative emotions, and also allows you to connect more deeply with others.

3.     Improve Your Physical Health — A healthy body helps support a healthy mind! When we get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and move our bodies we are also taking care of our mental and emotional health.

4.     Deepen Your Relationships — Having people to count on is helpful for emotional health! While being content alone is important too, knowing you can call someone up when you’re having a bad day, or share your successes with someone else, can be really beneficial for your mental health.

5.     Work With a Therapist — If you need help understanding your emotions, a therapist or counselor can also help. Therapists can also teach communication skills to convey those emotions.

6.     Release Emotional Baggage — When we go through challenging times, experience deeply emotional situations, or suffer traumas, our bodies can hold onto those experiences. These emotions sometimes build up over time, creating heavy emotional baggage that might weigh us down. Emotional healing helps us come to terms with these past experiences and emotions, grow from our past, release negative Trapped Emotions, develop emotionally, and find more space for joy. Energy healing practices such as The Emotion Code® can help resolve those negative energies so we can move on and find more joy in the future.

When working on your own emotional healing, it’s important to take every step — including acknowledging the experiences and distressing feelings you may have been harboring. You don’t have to relive bad times, but it is important to realize how those experiences may be affecting you today.

By Dr. Bradley Nelson