How to Move Forward After Difficult Experiences

Tips for Healing Troubling Emotions After Trauma

When people experience traumatic events in their lives, it often leaves them suffering from lingering effects. The collapse of a condominium in Surfside, Fla., the isolation and devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the countless personal traumas people experience every day can leave long-lasting emotional wounds.

When traumatic experiences happen, it can be hard for us to move on. If we don’t properly process the emotions that come with trauma, it can feel like we’re reliving those feelings every day. This can prevent us from feeling happiness, developing deep relationships, and trusting others.

We believe that everything has an energetic vibration, from our physical bodies to our emotions. When emotions and experiences aren’t processed properly, their energies can become stuck in the body forming Trapped Emotions. These energetic imbalances may cause physical discomfort, emotional distress, and relationship problems that can block us from living life to the fullest.

Energy healing techniques, creative expression, mindfulness, self-care, and time can all help people heal from traumatic experiences. Here are some methods for coping with and working through unresolved emotions.

Allow yourself to feel your emotions: Difficult experiences bring up emotions that we may try to avoid. Many people are also taught as children that emotions such as anger and sadness are bad and should be avoided. But avoiding our feelings only hampers our ability to process and move through them. Identify what you’re feeling, and allow yourself to experience those emotions.

Talk about how you feel: Speaking about what you’ve experienced and how you’re feeling can be a powerful way to move on from past experiences. Talking it out can help you to verbally process what happened. Group discussions with others who have experienced similar hardships can help show you that you aren’t alone. While it’s great to talk to friends and family, you might also consider talking to a professional who doesn’t have any stake in the situation. It might be painful or difficult for those close to you to hear about what you are dealing with, and a professional may be able to give you insight and helpful tools to cope.

Express yourself artistically: Artistic expression can help you identify how you feel and release those emotions through creativity. Try journaling about the experience, the emotions you feel, and what you want to release. Simply allowing yourself to explore your thoughts in writing can be helpful on your journey towards emotional healing. Expressing yourself could also take the form of creative endeavors such as poetry, writing lyrics, and stories. Other art forms including painting, collage, sculpture, and music can also provide creative outlets for expressing your emotions.

Try energy healing methods: Energy healing techniques such as The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ are designed specifically to help people identify and release energetic imbalances left over from troubling events in the past. Releasing these energetic blockages often brings dramatic and positive changes in how people feel and the way they experience life. Energy healing practitioners are trained and certified to help people through one-on-one sessions that can be done in person or remotely.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices can be helpful when dealing with challenging experiences by helping you become more compassionate with yourself. Mindfulness methods such as breathing exercises, taking solo walks, and journaling can help you train your mind to stay present, rather than ruminating over the past or worrying about the future.

Physical movement: Moving your body can be a great way to physically work through your emotions. Dancing, walking outside in nature, yoga, tapping techniques, and more can all help you to physically process your emotions. Our bodies and minds are deeply connected, so movement can help us evoke and express our emotions and process them in a healthy way.

Focus on your needs: When you’re healing from a difficult event, it is important to give yourself the time and attention you truly need in order to heal. Set time aside every day or every week to just be present with yourself and attend to your own needs. It might also help to take time away from your day-to-day life, perhaps by planning a vacation. Even a short trip somewhere new may help you see the world from a new perspective. When the daily visual or physical reminders of past traumas are removed, it can be easier to move forward and focus on your healing.

Whatever you may have been through and the emotions you are experiencing it is important to take steps that will help you process and move forward, rather than rehashing the past. Implementing the strategies outlined can help you find new hope as you cope with and release troubling emotions from the past.

~By Dr. Bradley Nelson